Monday, April 26, 2010


We are living in a day in which things are perverted in the eyes of the masses of people. If you stand for something, you will get falsely accused. If you speak out against President Obam’s agendas, you are called unpatriotic or even as Glenn Beck was accused of seditionist. Since when is stating your belief unconstitutional?

If you speak out against illegal immigrants you are called a racist. Since when is trying to stop drugs or terrorist from entering our great nation a racial issue?

If you speak out in a public forum you are using hate speech. Since when is voicing your beliefs hate? Speaking out against sin and injustice is an issue. There’s a difference in hating sin and hating the sinner.

If you believe in less government, less taxes, and term limits for people in Congress, you are out of touch with modern day needs. The truth is that less government and less taxes is what our founding fathers had in mind.

If a preacher cries out against sin he’s preaching a negative, legalistic, non-inclusive gospel. If he preaches a biblical based message on child rearing, he’s accused of hating children. If he preaches what the Bible says about the husband being the head of the home, he hates women. Too many today do not want the truth.

My wife and I were at a funeral home one evening for visitation and met someone who was part of the family. There was a woman with the individual and we asked if it was his wife. He said “No, it’s one of those ‘90’s thing.” The truth of the matter was, they were living in sin. They were committing adultery. We’re living in a day in which adultery is winked at, but God doesn’t wink at adultery. Winking at sin is false. God’s Word is truth. We read in John 17:17 “Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

You know the problem? The problem is a lack of truth in the life of the average American today. We sometimes talk about how bad it is that the Word of God was taken out of our public school system. That is true. But the Word of God has also been taken out of our homes and even our own lives. The unbeliever is not the only one who has a draught of the Living Water in their life. Let’s not lay all the problem at the doorstep of the unbeliever.

Too many today live with the attitude that you just have to accept the fact that times and issues are different. No! We don’t have to live that way. We need to remember what God thinks about people who call evil good. We read in Proverbs 17:15 “He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.” Do we now have any doubt as to where God stands in this issue? Do we think that God wants us to excuse ourselves because we live in this generation? No!

Notice also what we read about this truth in Malachi 2:17 “Ye have wearied the LORD with your words. Yet ye say Wherein have we wearied him? When ye say Every one that doeth evil is good in the sight of the LORD, and he delighteth in them; . . .

People seem to not know what falsehood or lying is? They don’t know truth. The sad thing is that people don’t even know the truth about how to spend eternity with God. In every funeral today the person is preached or eulogized into heaven. The truth is that unless a person is saved by believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, they cannot see heaven. THE TRUTH says in John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” The TRUTH is clearly stated in the Word of God.

There’s only one way to get to heaven and that’s not through the church, the ten commandments, the golden rule, good works or even baptism. There’s only one way to heaven and God made it so all of us can go to heaven. That’s how much He loved you and me. We read that in John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

So, what should we do? In the world we should speak the truth boldly, even if it goes against the grain in our community, school, work place or even the home. Speak the truth with boldness.

In our church we need to teach and preach the Word of God and not social issues. It’s good to remember the actions of the good Samaritan, but meeting the needs of those who are wounded and hurting is an open door to sharing with them the gospel of Jesus Christ. That’s the only thing that will change their life permanently.

In our homes we should be teaching and practicing the Word of God with our family members. Parents should be using daily activities to show and teach the children how God’s Word relates to that circumstance.

In our individual lives we should be reading, studying, memorizing, meditating upon and demonstrating scriptural principles. The TRUTH is so important in our life. We read in John 8:32
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

That’s my view: how about you?


  1. This is so spot on! I lived in one country and watched the people vote away their rights. I watched good, decent people sit quietly by and let it happen. We need our Constitutional rights in order that we may freely preach the gospel.
    We must call the sinner to repentance (I am chief among the sinners!) and shine the light of truth so that the falsehoods will be obvious.

  2. We can see how our nation has taken a turn as we see millions who are living in such contrast to God's Word. You made the vast differenc very plain in your scripture quotes and comments. I have been stirred to battle for a long time and done what I could to combat the trends our nation is taking. Prayer is goiing to be the key to God doing something to save America. We cannot be complacent.

  3. Thanks Bro.Ed for the blog.
    You know I agree with you totally!!
    My our Lord empower us to be His voices crying
    out in this wilderness "Behold the Lamb of God
    which still takes away our sin"

  4. That's good preaching!

  5. kay anderson smithApril 27, 2010 at 3:50 AM

    You have written about some very unpopular subjects and if Christians don´t stand up for what is right, then I don´t want to think about the outcome. Thank God for His mercies, they are new every morning!!

  6. "Truth"--it has become my primary pursuit. Not only is it important to know the Source of all truth, but have you considered how critical knowing the truth is? Do you know why Jesus came into this world? A lot of people guess wrong on this. Here's what Jesus said...
    "For this I was born and for this I came into the world: to testify to the truth" (Jn 18:37). Hmmm. Jeff Keef

  7. Absolutely right on!

  8. Thanks Pastor for sharing the truth. I agree with you 100%. We are the salt of the world. Salt burns when placed on a wound but it also purifies and cleanses. Thanks for sharing some salt with us.

  9. You tell it like it is, Pastor Buford, but with compassion for their lost souls, that is where truth must begin. I truly think some people are just scared of The Word and don't even know why. All things must be measured alongside of The Word or we are just fooling ourselves. I read it; you read it and we are convicted of our sin also. If you don't want to face the truth now and you just want to "feel good" now or have "your way" now, then I feel sorry for you. There is always a payday. I can only become more mature in the hands of God and His Word, otherwise my life is a big mess. I know, I have tried my way and failed miserablely. I have been married to an unbeliever for 34 1/2 yrs, and it is ONLY by the grace of God that we are together today. Myself, (in the flesh) would have been long gone and self-destructed by now, but God is faithful and both of my children serve the Lord, as He answered the prayers for their salvation, I still have many prayers going forth for my husband and many family members who do not know the Lord. Yes, I have been "SET FREE" alright, free from myself, Amen. Thank you for the invitation.
