Monday, March 8, 2010


Psalm 75:7 “But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

We are living in a day in which people promote themselves. We are told all our lives that you have to take care of #1. Kids graduate from high school and a party is planned and the students place all their achievements on display for all to see. Athletes video all their games in hopes that the videos will make an impact upon a possible full or partial ride at the college level.

I’m not saying that every bit of this is wrong, but I am saying that it’s important for all of us to take a step back and see if humility is a part of our life. Notice what we read in verse 7 “But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

Understanding this will do some very important things in our lives. And what is that? Let me list three:

(1) Deter Pride – There are many who think they’re where they are because of their ability; personality; power; etc. I’ve got news for those individuals. We have a sovereign God and “He puts down one, and exalts another.” I love it when someone wins a game and gives the glory to God. I love it when people understand the truth of John 3:27, “. . . A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven.” The athletic ability, sharp mind, winsome personality, etc. are given them by an omnipotent, omniscience, sovereign God. Understanding that truth will keep things in the right perspective.

When we apply our God-given gifts to the best of our ability and then humble ourselves under his hand, then our promotions are up to Him. I Peter 5:6, “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time:” We are where we are because of God.

What else will an understanding of verse 7 do?

(2) Develop Patience – Most of us are not patient people. You’ve heard the old saying, “I want patience, and I want it RIGHT NOW.” Patience is a very good character quality to have, but let me remind you not to pray for patience. We read in Romans 5:3, “. . . knowing that tribulation worketh patience;” Don’t pray for patience. You might get more tribulation than you want.

Collier: “Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing God's will.” Boy, is that a thought provoker. I wonder how many times I have run ahead of God in my life because I didn’t have patience.

Joseph had been given his future in a dream, but think of all he went through waiting for God to put down his enemies and exalt him to where he was supposed to be. Think of Moses on the backside of the desert waiting for what God had in store for him. What about David being anointed king but going back and being a servant until God exalted him to his rightful throne.

God “. . . putteth down one, and setteth up another.” And He even chooses the timing. Sometimes God allows His people to be in places where they feel they are unfairly treated; are unjustly dealt with; are in what they think are unbearable circumstances, but remember what Paul wrote in Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” God is sovereign and God is at work.

Remember what I’ve said many times, and I have no clue where I got it, but “God is more concerned with your Character than He is your Comfort.” God is at work and God wants us to patiently wait on Him.

What else will an understanding of verse 7 do?

(3) Decrease Pressure – Sometimes a person thinks he has to make something happen. It may be because of his or her own goal-agenda life-style or it may also be pressure from someone else. There’s nothing wrong with setting goals and trying to achieve them. I even do that in retirement. In fact, if I didn’t set goals I probably wouldn’t get anything done, and that would not be good.

It’s good to be successful, but remember that the abilities you have are God given. The intelligence you have started with a sharp mind that God implanted within you. In James 1:17 we read, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, . . .” Since God gave, He can take away.

I am always thrilled when I hear of one of God’s children being given a place of leadership. Remember, God put you there. And because He put you there, and since He did, He will keep you there and will use you the way He chooses. If people recognize you for your success, be careful of pride. God can take you down as fast as He elevated you.

When we serve with humility and give God the glory for what He does in our life, His grace will continue to bless us. I Peter 5:5 says, “. . . God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

God is at work in our life and He works at His pace. When we understand that it relieves the pressure to climb the corporate ladder, win the Noble Peace prize, win the most souls or even pastor the largest church.

I’ve seen people who been on the top and then found themselves at the bottom of the heap. On the other hand, I’ve seen a young man who was in my youth group who started serving as a teen. He did it all. He cut the grass, washed the dishes, cleaned the toilets, and anything else that needed to be done. He went off to Bible College, came back to the same church he was raised in. What position did he receive when he came back? He started as a servant again. Today he is the Senior Pastor of that church, which is a large church. You see, “But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

That’s how I view it! What do you think?

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